Let’s talk carbs

Our bodies need carbohydrates everyday as they provide energy, in fact they are the body’s main source of fuel, needed for physical activity, brain function and operation of organs. All of your cells in your body need carbs.
As with other the other macronutrients (protein and fat), it’s the quality and quantity of the macronutrient that’s important.
When embarking on a health or weight loss plan, nutritionists will recommend you choose a complex carbohydrate. As a nutrient-rich complex carbohydrate, potatoes can deliver a steady supply of sugar to the bloodstream a sustained

release of energy for your body.


Gut Health

Many wellness advisers are turning the conversation to gut-health of late.
When your gut has a healthy supply of good-bacteria, you’re likely to have
plenty of energy, improved digestion, a happier mood, glowing skin, and
a strengthened immune system.

Healthy, unprocessed resistant starches like potatoes are important as they act
as probiotics that feed the good bacteria in the gut, helping you to feel your best.
Gluten free
Virtually fat free
Cholesterol free

Full of fibre

Potatoes are unique in that they
contain both soluble and insoluble
fibre when eaten with skin on. Fibre is
important in the body, as it keeps you
feeling fuller for longer and helps keep
you regular!

Potassium packed

Potatoes are amongst the top sources
of potassium. Potassium aids in the
control of water uptake and helps
maintain the optimal acid-alkali
balance (pH) in the body. Potatoes
contain high amounts of magnesium.
The body needs magnesium to stay
healthy, as it is responsible for many
processes in the body, including
regulating muscle and nerve function,
blood sugar levels, and blood pressure.

Crammed with Vitamin C

Potatoes have more vitamin C than oranges! As your body does not store Vitamin C, it is important that you consume it frequently. Vitamin C is great for keeping your skin, bones and connective tissue healthy, as well as preventing infection.

Iron complete

Potatoes are an effortless way to up your intake of iron. They contain elevated levels of the mineral, responsible for carrying oxygen to your brain.

Folate full

Folate is a water-soluble B vitamin that help produce red blood cells. The body cannot store this vitamin,

so it is important to consume as part of your regular diet. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding need more folate in their diet.


Alliance for Potato Research and Education
(APRE); 2013

Hot Potato Tip

Avoid storing your potatoes in direct contact with onions as they tend to make potatoes rot.


Keep them fresh when you get home by keeping your potatoes in a cool and dry
place, away from light – the corner of a kitchen cupboard is ideal.
You should store your potatoes loose, out of any packaging, and avoid putting
them in a refrigerator as the moist air turns the potatoes’ starch into sugar which
can impact flavour and texture when cooked.